Dogs and Law and Order

I came across a blog article earlier today that showed off YouTube clips of dogs and how they reacted to the theme music of Law and Order. These dogs either love it or hate, most howling during the theme. I have no idea why this happens, but it seems there is something to the music that maybe only a dog can hear. I have lived with a few dogs, but I have never had one howl at anything other than my poor violin playing as a child. But then again, I am not a Law and Order fan.

If you search “Law and Order Dogs” on Youtube you will find tons of clips demonstrating different dogs reactions. You can decide from their reactions whether it sounds like a love or hate reaction. Here are a few to demonstrate this strange occurance:

Happy Groundhog Day

Punxsutawney Phil saw his shadow, so sadly there will be six more weeks of winter. Not that I have ever thought that a groundhog’s advice was sound, but it is a fun tradition.

This tradition has been ongoing since 1887, and for the years on record, Phil has seen seen his shadow 98 times and not missed it 15 times. In any event, the offical start of spring is about six weeks away…no matter if he sees his shadow or not. Not to mention that where I live the snow is falling outside and it looks like temperatures for the next couple of weeks will be cold…

For anyone who wants winter to be over sooner rather than later, here are a couple videos to cheer you up:

Two Baby Moose and a Sprinkler

And if these little puppies can love the snow, maybe I can for a few more weeks:

Happy Penguin Awareness Day!

So apparently today, January 20th, is penguin awareness day and world penguin awareness day is April 25th. However, the actual dates for this day are different on different websites. So I am not sure if today really is a penguin day, but they did have penguins on Good Morning America…and since I love these birds we should celebrate them! Yay penguins!


Hello all!

The holidays are upon us, so I apologize again for the lack of posts. I need to set aside a time everyday to add something to this blog. My eventual goal post once a day, but as Christmas approaches it might be a while before I reach my goal.

I saw this video earlier today and I figured that I should share it with you guys:

I love dogs – especially dogs that are adorable, well behaved, and are trying to teach us about science.