This blog is dedicated to all things cute and cuddly. I love puppies, bunnies, guinea pigs, and horses…amongst many others. I will try to keep this blog updated whenever I can. I am currently a busy college student who finds great stress relief in looking at pictures of cute animals.
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We in no way claim the artwork and photographs displayed on FuzzyToday.com to be our own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, articles, photographs, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law.
Design and original photography however are Copyright © 2003 – 2017 FuzzyToday.com.
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First of all we would like to tell you to keep up the good work on your blog and secondly we’d also like to thank you for the blog about our site :).
If you need anything let us know.
Kind Regards,
Albert Saliba