Have you ever seen an owl swim? Other birds which are not water birds sometimes do out of necessity, like Eagles when they go after fish, but I have never heard of an owl doing so. A birder and photographer in Chicago captured video of an owl swimming in Lake Michigan after it was forced into the water by two peregrine falcons. There is no footage of the falcons, but the short video of the owl is amazing:
So our human says we need to get serious about this whole blog thing, but guinea pigs are not really serious creatures. She keeps feeding us all these topics, but we just want treats. Hopefully we will work this out in the near future and post more often – with treats.
For the moment, have a baby owl trying to fly: (imgur)
So close but so far! One day those wings will work just right.
And for a bonus, here are a couple more fuzzy baby owls: (funfus.com)
Because really, fuzzy owl chicks can make a lot of people smile.
HyperVocal recently posted an article called “Let Mother Nature’s Most Pleasing Animal Noises Be Your Xanax.” While I am not sure I agree with their list, and some of the noises might be made in distress, there are some great noises on the list. I will present some of the videos and link to the article again at the end so you can see the entire list.
1. Bunny Snoring
For the longest time I did not know bunnies made noises except when in great distress because the only time I heard one was the piercing scream of a wild rabbit as it tried to escape from a cat. This video just makes me smile!
2. Fox
These noises are cute, but I know nothing of normal fox behavior and it looks like this is a display of submission. My final verdict is out on this one because of that but it is interesting to listen to.
3. Owl
The owl is so happy to be having his head scratched!
4. Penguin
I posted this video before, but it is just too cute to not share again!
5. Guinea Pig
I know that I am biased because I love guinea pigs but they make adorable noises especially when happy or demanding treats/attention.
Mashable alerted me to another cute channel to watch on Ustream, Theowlbox!
Here she is with her new little chick:
You can watch Molly the Owl sit on her eggs and watch them hatch. The camera is on both day and night, and she has many loyal followers. The first owlet was born, and called Max.