New Drink Responsibly Ad

Budweiser has a new ad out with the message to always drink responsibly. The consequences can be catastrophic and have for far too many people. The company utilizes a man’s relationship with his dog to demonstrate the potential outcome when you drink and drive.

Some people inherently understand this, and others need a little push. Animal ads can help those who feel a greater connection to, or are more emotionally driven by, animals. Please, do not drink and drive. No matter how badly you think you need to get home your life and the lives of everyone you love matter more.

Screenshot 2014-09-21 at 3.46.53 PM

– Cola

Wednesday Woof! – Future Guide Dogs

Today’s Woof is a family of adorable lab pups hopefully destined to be guide dogs.

Just check them out with their little signs that display each dog’s name:

How in the world did they get this picture? Between having all the puppies stay in one place, to having all the signs also stay standing, this is pure puppy craziness! Maybe some Photoshop magic?

Best luck to these pups!


Wednesday Woof! – Lab

Wednesday! Sorry for the lack of post last week, the human lost track again. She said something about summer being a busy time, but guinea pigs are always busy. There is food to eat, treats to beg for, running, hiding, eating again, and more. How can she be busier than we are?

I hear Labs are wonderful dogs, full of energy:

Ever have this happen when you take your dog to the park, or play fetch? Silly dogs, guinea pigs don’t even bother playing fetch!

– Cola

Well Trained

Monday again! Hope you all have a wonderful week!

To help you have a good week, try and have the determination of this dog:

How much must this dog want that bacon? But he waits until get gets the okay. Never had this much luck keeping a dog away from people food.

Just a little of that determination and I could get so much done this week!
