This doe was wandering around our backyard! The human took the time to take pictures of this creature instead of feeding us more treats. How dare she?! Whitetail deer are interesting, but guinea pigs need treats on demand.
Well, we must share the pictures so here they are:
She was eating and wondering peacefully before being bothered by this red winged blackbird which flew into her back:
She seems confused as it passes by and perches in a nearby tree:
She decides to go investigate:
And seems generally interested in the bird!
Then it flew up again and she got scared and ran:
Our owner loves these “majestic” creatures (her words, not ours).
I guess these two deer, a stag and a doe, live in Lake County Michigan. Some of the comments on the pictures indicate people may have seen more of them in the same area. I wonder if they are true albino deer or if it is some kind of genetic defect of the deer in the area? Whatever the cause, they are majestic looking and I would love to see one!
I hope that everyone is having a wonderful Friday!
I have found another set of wonderful confectionery treats in cute animal designs to share with you. Cake, cupcakes, cookies, and sugar are wonderful mediums! I included a link to the baker’s website or facebook page so you can purchase some wonderful treats if you live in their area.
Here is a video of the real corgis eating the giant cake.
You can find out about pricing, see more examples of her art, and find order information on her website and you can follow her on facebook.
Today I found a video of an amazing albino stag. The video tells the story of how the footage came to be and the elusiveness of this beautiful creature.
Here are screencaps from the video, of this hauntingly white stag: