Awesome Google April Fools’ Day Jokes

Even if you didn’t enjoy my Cabbit joke, Google always has awesome April Fools’ Day jokes! This year was no different. Here were my favorites:

1. Google maps Pokemon Challenge

Here is a video that explains how they planned to hire the Pokemon Master who was able to complete the challenge of finding digital Pokemon hidden all over the world. Of course, technology is not advanced enough for this to really happen. But it does look like fun!

Google actually put 150 different Pokemon all over the world on their map application and allowed users to search for them and “catch” them. Each catch updated your Pokedex, so you could see which ones you found.

Here are screen shots of a Pokemon on the map and what catching it looked like:

Here is what your Pokedex looked like once you caught all 150 Pokemon:

2. Emoji Translation for Chrome
Have you ever wanted to translate everything you type into picture Emoji? You know, those little face pictures that convey meaning like happy, sad, excited, etc. I have not either, but the concept is really funny:

3. Chromecast for Squirrels
Squirrels can now use Google’s Chromecast device to stream videos, movies, and more with new paw friendly technology:

I loved this one, I mean squirrel superheros?!

4. Google Apps for Business Dogs
This one was my second favorite! Apps just for your dog so they can participate in doing business too, how useful! And of course the dog they feature in the video is simply adorable.