Winnie the Pooh Exhibition

Walt Disney Archives has an international traveling exhibit that is touring around Japan featuring Winnie the Pooh. Pooh is incredibly popular in American and Japan. The original books were translated in Japanese and the Disney movies released in theaters to much popularity.

The human loves Pooh bear and has high hopes that this exhibit, or one similar, will come to the US some day. If you live in or can visit Japan you might be lucky enough to see this one as is, and if not D23 did a nice write up where you can see more pictures here.


The exhibit features items from the Disney archives like animation cells, movie posters, maquettes, books, and toys. The goal is simply to celebrate the art, history, and legacy of Winnie the Pooh.

Here is the entry way:

Some of the items on display:

Books in Japanese:



The Winnie the Pooh Exhibition opened in August in Tokyo, and has moved to Mitsukoshi department store in Fukuoka. The exhibit will continue traveling to different parts of Japan for the rest of the year and on into 2015.

Pooh bear is clearly a very popular and well loved bear. Don’t miss this chance to learn more and see items not usually available to the public if you are near the exhibit as it moves around Japan!

-Cola and Fizz

Don’t forget to see these photos and more on

Happy Pooh Bear Day!

Guess what?!  Today, January 18, is Pooh Bear Day!


(image source)

The day commemorates the book’s author A.A. Milne who was born on January 18, 1882. His son and the toys he played with were the inspiration behind the books.

Photograph of  A.A. Milne, Christopher Robin Milne, and Pooh Bear


(National Portrait Gallery, Howard Coster)

I absolutely love Winnie the Pooh! I have the books, many items with Pooh and friends on them, and stuffed versions.

Here is a small bit of my collection:


The largest Pooh I have is pictured here – he is around 3 feet tall and came from the Disney Store. The medium Pooh was available at toy stores when I was a kid. The smallest one came from a store at Disney World, and is the same as the ones first pictured in this post.

I have also been to visit the original Pooh (and Christopher’s other stuffed friends) at the New York Public Library. I did not know that is where they are kept, and it was a pleasant surprise to find them!


(image source)

If you are a Pooh Bear lover I encourage you to celebrate the day by reading one of the books or watching one of the movies!

Finally, in the spirit of celebration here is an adorable puppy dressed as Pooh Bear:


(photo source)

Through the Years: Pooh Bear at Disney

I found an awesome article on Jim Hill Media which shows pictures of the costumes of Disney Characters at the parks used throughout the years. I suggest taking a look at his whole article at, but here I can show you the progression for Winnie the Pooh.

Here is a photo of Pooh and Eyore from Disneyland in 1966:

Copyright Disney Enterprises inc., all rights reserved

Pooh is kind of scary, and I am not sure I understand the purpose of the honey pot on his head. Eyore is okay, I think.

Pooh’s costume received a slight redesign, but did not really change until the 1980s:

Copyright Disney Enterprises inc., all rights reserved

This costume is better, but now the eyes and face seem really off to me. I do appreciate the lack of head wear.

Pooh received another redesign and this is what he looks like now in the parks:

Copyright Disney Enterprises inc., all rights reserved

Now he looks a lot like the most recent incarnations of the character in the animated tv shows and movies.

Take a look at the full article here to see other characters’ progressions.