Dog Rides on Ambulance to Stay With Owner

In San Angelo Texas a dog, named Buddy, rode on the small side step of an ambulance for 20 miles just to stay with his owner. The beagle mix jumped onto the outside of the ambulance as it picked up his owner to take him to the emergency room. The paramedics did not know the dog was there until another driver flagged him down.

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By the time Buddy was discovered by the ambulance driver the paramedics had no choice but to load the dog into the back and take him on the remainder of the almost hour long trip. Buddy’s owner, 85 year old JR Nicholson, had adopted the dog four months ago. He called for an ambulance because he felt dizzy and was soon released from the hospital.

It was a good thing that someone saw the little guy so he didn’t ride outside the ambulance for an hour. Such a loyal dog!

– Fizz


The Loyalty of Dogs

This week saw the unspeakable horror of yet another senseless shooting, this time a terrorist attack at Canada’s National War Memorial on Parliament Hill. Corporal Nathan Cirillo was shot and killed. A single father and animal lover, he is dearly missed.

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His dogs still faithfully wait at home for a master who will never return:


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These pictures are heartbreaking. They capture the sense of loss and grief over this tragedy. Dogs have been called man’s best friend for a reason, their love and loyalty is without bounds. I hope these dogs will be treated well and taken care of now.

Our thoughts and prayers are with this family and Canada,
– Fizz

You can see more pictures from the horrific incident at The Daily Mail.