Zoo Animals in the Snow

At the national zoo the animals are enjoying the snow!

Where the human lives the snow has taken over for the time being, and staying home is the best remedy for the cold and dangerous roads. Take a look at these animals having more fun than my human is!

Pandas Mei Xiang and 16 month old cub Bao Bao:
(Devin Murphy/Smithsonian National Zoo)
(Devin Murphy/Smithsonian National Zoo)

Bao Bao enjoying the trees:
(Devin Murphy/Smithsonian’s National Zoo)

African Lions
(Amy Enchelmeyer/Smithsonian’s National Zoo)

(Amy Enchelmeyer/Smithsonian’s National Zoo)

I would not have expected Afrcan Lions to appreciate snow! But I suppose they would get used to it living at the National Zoo where it is a fact of life in the winter.

The regal beauty of Sumatran Tiger Sukacita enjoying a walk in the snow:
(Amy Enchelmeyer/Smithsonian’s National Zoo)

Rona the Grey Seal with a face full of snow:
(Chelsea Grubb/Smithsonian’s National Zoo)

Hope you are all enjoying sunshine, staying warm, or are having this much winter fun!


See more photos at CBS Washington DC.

Panda in Snow!

Is it snowing where you live? Here there is so much snow, so early, that kids had snow days already!

No matter if you have snow now or not, watch this Panda at the Toronto Zoo enjoying the winter weather:

Screenshot 2014-11-19 at 1.19.50 PM
I am glad that he is enjoying it!

– Fizz