Pokemon Gotta Catch ‘Em All Contest

Calling all Pokemon lovers! There is a new contest called Gotta Catch ’em All to honor the upcoming release of Pokemon X and Y! You hunt for Pokemon codes to enter for a chance to win Pokemon themed prizes.


To begin the contest you have to go to GottaCatchEmAll.com (pictured above) and enter the first code given in this video:

(If you don’t want to look for it, the code is XY1012.)

Once you enter the code and your information you reach a page of Pokeballs that when scrolled over provide clues to where you can find the next clues. A code will open a Pokeball to reveal the Pokemon inside, its information, give you an entry into the contest drawing, and a digital download of some kind (mp3s, alert sounds, backgrounds, etc). If you cannot find the codes, you can get one code to gain an entry for the prize drawings but won’t get a download. There will be four drawings over the next few weeks.

The contest is only open to the US and related territories. Prizes include a 3DS XL, copies of Pokemon X and Y, Pokedex guide, cards from the Pokemon card game, and stuffed toys – over 50 items per week will be given away.


I wish all entrants the best of luck finding the codes and in winning something!

Pokemon X and Y come to stores October 12!

All Screenshots from GottaCatchEmAll.com

–Fizz Pig